1.0 Calculation with ref to general provisions  of BNBC , it is found that columns at the edges or side shall be at least 16 inch for Ordinary

and Intermediate RCC.

2.0 Places of medium to high seismic zone min column sizes to comply BNBC is 17 inch

3.0 It is a criteria that is found in codes either BNBC or ACI that min size of column is 12 inch (300mm). this is not only the criteria for

min column sizes, there are other compliances in the codes that are to be followed to satisfy code requirements for anchorage


4.0 Layers of bar in the beams, beam bar diameters highly affect the min column sizes.

5.0 there is empirical relation 20 times bar dia to fix min column sizes.

6.0 In designing RCC special moment frame (SMF) joint design (joint shear ) is the important criteria to fix minimum column sizes.

Spending lots of money one must not neglect the column design properly. whole investment is in risk when column design is not done with proper code provisions & calculations, again column concreting are motley unattended in general constructions.